Sunday, August 15, 2010

My new friend...

It's one thing to meet people that we immediatly feel that they will be part of one's life, to share the many journey's we have in our lives, but this friend I have been introduced is really my very best friend....not to up set my other "best friend", Terry. It's been a journey I so looked forward to having in my many years of chronic pain. A daily routine that others have in doing the simple things in their life, like bending, sitting for long periods of time, doing gardening for enjoyment, and all the other daily functions that we all do and deserve. I would have to think before I did those things that made me happy, to think, "better not do anything that will take away the remainder of the day with chronic pain just around the corner."
It's been a little over 5 weeks since my Neurostimulator has been implanted. I was sore for the first 2-3 weeks, with the insiscions that were made to place the battery and leads in my back. Once that was better, I now can do the simple things that others can/have done. The sitting on the computor and talking on the phone is the residual pain, now. My gardening is something I now look forward to doing...whenever I want...less pain. Volunteering, at our local American Cancer Thrift Shop is a joy for me...I can do what I wish...with less pain. Driving in the car,to help my mother get to the doctors appointments and grocery shopping...less pain. Just about everything I do, now is with less pain. I do have an occasional bout, like yesterday, when I decided to wash Baylee, our dog, work in the yard for a few hours, and even start cleaning out my closet. I think what caused some residual pain was the trying on the clothes to see if they either fit or that I no longer wanted them...that's what was the kicker in having some pain...but, not near the pain I have had since the surgery. But, I do know, now, that I really can't do all that in one day....something I needed to experience, I guess. Needless to say, I can and will be able to have a better quality of life, like all of us deserve.
So, I think you all can understand that this device is a "best" friend that hopefully will stay in my life it truly has changed my doing and thinking on that "daily" basis!

Again, thanks for all the concern from others that I have had for almost 30 years of chronic pain in my back...not to forget the chronic pain I felt in my mind, dealing with this misery!
Love to all.....
Happy Day!!!


Blogger Terry said...

I'm happy to give up my spot as "bestfriend" for this relief you have received! So glad that you had it done and that it is working so well for you! When I get there next month we will have a wine toast to your new bestfriend!

11:08 AM  

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