Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The 4th of July

With the 4th nearing brings me to that day of Independence. We all love the idea that with Summer here there is that celebration on the day, for all. I can already see the hoopla on T.V., in the supermarkets, just everywhere. The day arrives with great pleasure for most. I still celebrate, but with someone in my life that is no longer here...my dad. My father was a gentle and kind man, to all. If you were lucky to have met him, you would want to see him again. He knew no strangers, as he was always willing to share a conversation with you. He laughed a lot and made others do the same. He loved to get together with the family. He seemed to be the glue for my mom, my brother and I. He was a man of wisdom, not education. A man with strong commitments to his family and friends. He spent 29 years in the U.S. Army, with great loyalty and love for his Country. A better mam, my mother would always say, you could not get. I have found myself wanting to be the "Glue" for our family...if for nothing else, for my dad., as that would make him proud to know we are trying to be a family. My dad passed away almost 23 years ago.....that day is the 4th of July! So, with that in the nearing, you can see why this date comes to mind so clearly for me. Knowing my dad, he would have picked that day for leaving us, as he was so very proud of our Country and Independence Day. May you all have a great day on the 4th.....


Blogger Dave said...

That was beautiful Ms Joyce...Im sure your Dad must have been such a truly strong and good man.

4:05 PM  
Blogger Paul said...

First off...great to read...you did a hell of a job describing a life that words can't explain...I'm impressed. You've put into words the one thing that I wish I could have said to Jim Duncan-- "Thank You".

9:28 PM  
Blogger Terry said...

Great tribute, my friend. See you soon!

5:57 AM  
Blogger erin said...

Funny, when I read that description of your dad, I thought you could have been describing yourself! Those wonderful qualities he had are the exact same ones you do...I know he must have been proud of you.

Paul...glad to see you're a commenter now! Stop on over at ThePigbear whenever you feel like it!

12:51 PM  

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